Namirali farmers find success in agrobiodiversity and community

November 2019, Uganda

PAR coordinator Devra Jarvis and Bioversity International’s East Africa National Program Manager Rose Nankya, together with Director of Plant Genetic Resources center NARO John and team worked hard to make sure that the new community seed bank launched successfully.

The Diversity Fair was a huge success, Rosa Nankya and the NARO staff worked all night to get everything ready. Over 2500 farmers, students, extension, NARO, army and government officials and the brother of the President of Uganda who heads the Uganda funds for development came and stayed to visit all the exhibits.

Namirali farmers (group of Nakaseke) then organized their own diversity fair in Uganda a few weeks ago after a visit by members of the PAR, Bioversity and NARO teams. More than 25 farmers came together from Nakasongola. The farmer group organized it independently and earned 3 million Shs from the sale of the exhibited biodiversity. This is a strong success story for the farmers and their communities.